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    Fuel Webinar - Follow-Up

    If you missed our last webinar as we shared ideas to help you control your fuel costs, please feel free to view it below. If you have questions, contact us at And join us for our next Webinar on April 25 at 2pm.


    Fuel - A Variable You Can Control

    Educational Series: Fuel - A Variable You Can Control
    Join us for a Webinar on March 21
    Space is limited.
    Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

    The recent hype in the news concerning the increase of fuel prices tends to make it seem that the sky is falling. Join us as we discuss current events, analysts’ opinions, and present solutions that allow you to make fuel a variable that can be controlled.

    Educational Series: Fuel - A Variable You Can Control
    Date:   Wednesday, March 21, 2012
    Time:   2:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

    System Requirements
    PC-based attendees
    Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

    Macintosh®-based attendees
    Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

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    Piedmont Triad CSCMP FedEx Ground Tour

    Please Join Us for a Tour of the FedEx Ground Hub
    Date: March 22, 2012
    Location: FedEx Ground Hub
                       1502 N. Old Greensboro Rd.
                       Kernersville, NC
    Meeting & Dinner: 5:00pm
    Cost: $25 includes tour & dinner
    (Registration Deadline is March 16, 2012)

    About the Facility:

    • 410,000 sq ft. facility on 125 acres
    • $100 million in investment
    • 550 full time employees
    • State of the Art material handling system that can sort 15,000 packages per hour

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    Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Supply Chain Against Disruption

    Most companies know supply chain vulnerability poses a threat to their operations, yet few perform analysis or plan strategies to minimize risk to the bottom line. Businesses can protect against disruptions by adding supply chain redundancy, says Dr. Jeff Karrenbauer, president of supply chain solutions provider INSIGHT. Here is his advice for strengthening your logistics operations.
    1. Perform a supply chain vulnerability audit. Start with your customers and the products they purchase, and work back to raw materials suppliers.
    2. Do rigorous "what-if" analysis. Identify situations that could disrupt operations and develop contingencies to overcome these scenarios. Ask questions such as "What if we lose this supplier?" to create a strategic supply chain design that is optimally hardened against disruptions and serves as a cornerstone for a comprehensive business continuity plan.
    3. Implement a strategic supply chain plan that mitigates the impact of disruptions. The trend toward lean inventory means many contemporary supply chains are "taut" or "brittle," and therefore vulnerable to disruptions. Reconsider inventory positioning, sourcing, and transportation options to create a more flexible supply chain.
    4. Compare the cost of stockpiling inventory against the risk of losing sales and customers, and creating a negative impact on bottom-line profitability. Too much inventory at the wrong location adds to bottom-line costs. Determine optimal inventory policies and levels to sustain your company.
    5. Make sure you have multiple transportation plans in place. Ruptured transportation means products and parts face delays in getting to customers. You can continue shipping products to customers—if you have alternative transport plans.
    6. Update plans regularly. Factors such as new government regulations or suppliers can cause fluctuations in your company's vulnerability levels. It's vital to put in place consistent programs for updating your supply chain's resilience by reevaluating its design and instituting a corporate culture of security.
    7. Create a balance between supply chain network efficiency and operations resilience. Take a holistic view of your supply chain to determine optimal network designs that ensure products are manufactured in the right location at the right time and will ship to the right customers.
    8. Put alternative raw materials and manufacturing sourcing plans in place.Strategic planning ensures companies have alternative parts and supply sources, along with balanced inventory levels.
    9. Develop mitigating strategies from the C-level. CFOs and others involved in corporate risk analysis and reporting need to take a realistic view of business risk from unimaginable real-world events, which have a very real probability of occurring.
    10.Design long-term strategies as well as responses to short-term disruptions. These include critical location, customer, capacity, raw materials, and crisis response analysis.

    Source: Inbound Logistics ; By: Deborah Catalano Ruriani 

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    Free to Breathe

    Every year as a Company we chose an organization/charity/cause to give back to-whether it be our time or contribute financially.  Last year as well as this year, we will team up with Free to Breathe.  
    Free to Breathe is an organization that unites people who are passionate about creating public awareness of lung cancer as well as raising vital funding for research.
    Having our very own lung cancer survivor, this is something that hits very close to home. We would love for you to join us!
    The Greensboro event will be held on Saturday, November 12. You can click here to join Alicia's team.
    For those in Greenville who won't be able to attend in Greensboro, there is a similar event put on by Caine Halter Lungs4Life.  The event will be held on the same day.  Click here for details.



    What is Blackbeard?

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    Triad CSCMP 2011 Fall Meeting

    Please Join Us For
    “The NC Center for Global Logistics and the Piedmont Triad Aerotropolis Project”
    Date: October 12, 2011
    Location: Proximity Hotel,  Greensboro, NC
    Registration 11:30am -  Lunch/ Speaker 12:00 noon
    Register Here
    Presented by:  Dave Hauser, Executive Director of the North Carolina Center for Global Logistics
    During the luncheon we be discussing the following:
    • What is the NC Center for Global Logistics (NCCGL) and why is everyone getting excited about it
    • How can the NCCGL help bring back economic prosperity to North Carolina?
    • What is so unique about the NCCGL and why should I care?
    • What is this “Aerotropolis” thing anyway?
    • Why is logistics the end all/be all of globalization and how does our region fit into the picture.
    About the Speaker:
    Dave Hauser is a change management professional with significant practical experience in both domestic and international logistics markets. He has skill sets that include extensive knowledge in transportation and logistics sales, marketing and operations, including ocean freight, railroad and truck-based intermodal movements, as well as domestic and international logistics management.

    Dave manages the Piedmont Triad Regions “Aerotropolis” project and is the Executive Director for the North Carolina Center for Global Logistics. Dave is as well a lead for the US Department of Labor’s national logistics initiative and is a contributor to the 12th Edition of “International Business; The Challenge of Global Competition”, published by McGraw-Hill Irwin.
    Dave is a former Lewisville, North Carolina Town Council member, founding president of the Lewisville Business and Professional Association, founding board member of The Downtown Lewisville Corporation, Board Member Emeritus of the Lewisville Area Arts Council and Board Member of the Piedmont Triad Transportation Association. Dave has lived all over the United States and the European continent. Dave is an accomplished leather-smith and plays at blues guitar when he has spare time.
    Register Here

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    Ken Waldron Joins M33 Team

    M33 Integrated Solutions Proudly Welcomes Ken Waldron as Director of Pricing and Business Analytics.

    Greensboro, NC- Ken Waldron recently joined M33 Integrated Solutions as the Director of Pricing and Business Analytics. A graduate of Indiana University, with an MBA from Georgia Tech, Ken has been active in the transportation, logistics, and distribution industry for 16 years, in a variety of management roles. His wife, Michelle, and their 3 children will be relocating to Greensboro from Indianapolis.

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    “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you chose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”

    As Dr. Suess said, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you chose. You’re on your own.  And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”
    Too often, companies think they want a type of software to serve as a ‘shot in the arm’.  But, what they truly desire are outcomes. These outcomes can range from increased market share and revenue growth, to cost reductions and productivity improvements.
    Sometimes companies fail to accurately define the desired outcome related to purchasing software.  In other cases, the desired outcome is too short term focused. 
    Transportation Management Technology is at the forefront of this challenge and requires a cross-company assessment to define these outcomes.  Is your approach to transportation management centralized, decentralized, regional, or global? Are there any new distribution and transportation capabilities you must implement? What factors currently affect your mode mix, and how will your current mode mix change in the coming years? Which departments will be using the technology, and what decisions will the technology be driving?
    From this, you can derive three questions: where are you going, how can you get there, and how fast do you need to get there? 
    Take a well-known manufacturing company (that shall remain nameless for confidentiality purposes) for example; they had a decentralized approach to their distribution and logistics.  Each plant managed its own needs.  This company realized that by increasing visibility they could reduce costs, improve their productivity, and establish a more centralized, proactive approach to distribution management. 
    Their desired outcome was to cultivate a supply chain network that kept the cost from source to destination at a minimal, actively maintain and improve their service, all while guaranteeing their customers recognized their logistical services as a value-add.
    This company had a unique awareness; their biggest obstacle was how to effectively manage an ever-changing logistics network towards a long term outcome.
    TMS and the ROI surrounding a TMS are often measured in a ‘rear view mirror’ manner.  Measuring by looking back at the beginning from implementation day to the present, should only serve to show improvement towards the outcome.
    Think of 10 years into the future- your network has changed, you are serving different customers, filling orders using different tools, your mode mix has changed, etc.
    The question now becomes how you will get there. Do you invest capital in a TMS? If you choose yes, do you purchase an in house TMS or software as a service? Is a blend of managed services coupled with the software as a service (SAAS) the best road for your company?
    For this company, they chose to stick to with what they are the absolute best at- developing and making their product. A blend of managed services and an SAAS technology has allowed them to keep their resource focused, while gaining the benefits of a Best-in-Class supply chain strategy.  
    It all starts with ‘the outcome’. Spend time to understand the end game, and the map becomes clearer.  Remember, if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. 



    Think Outside the Box

    The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) recently published their 22nd Annual State of Logistics Report last month.  Although a little lengthy, it does contain some very interesting data and forecasts as well as some sobering news. This post is intended to serve as a “Cliff Notes” version of their report.
    When given the opportunity to receive bad news or good news first, I almost always choose the bad.  Personally I like to end on a good note.
    So here it is, “bad” news first.  2010 was an improvement from 2009, but when you’re close to rock bottom, there’s only one way to go, up. According to the report, at the beginning of 2010 volumes were up, but slowly trickled off during the second half of the year.  Demand and available capacity began to equalize, but rates were still tight. Although the recovery started strong, it began to run out of steam by the time the second half of 2010 rolled around.
    Trucking, the largest component of the transportation sector, was the hardest hit mode. Constant increases in fuel costs were the largest contributing factor (which we have previously discussed). Additionally, trucking took a 13.4% cut in workforce over the past four years.  The CSCMP reported that over 3,000 trucking firms have declared bankruptcy over the last three years.
    Forward looking to 2011, the report indicates that the US economy appears to be plateauing. With capacity issues becoming more prevalent, it sets carriers up for the ‘perfect storm’.  Retaining drivers is becoming a more daunting task, operating costs are continuing to rise, new regulations are in the process of being implemented, as well as the truck order backlog is growing.  Add all these factors into the mix with rising freight volumes and it puts the trucking sector in a tough bind, ultimately leaving it unable to meet the market’s demand.
    Now for the “good” news.  Rosalyn Wilson, who initially presented this report in June, stated, “my money is on the innovators in the logistics industry who are navigating through the recovery.”  I could not agree more.  When times get tough, it’s time to start expanding the boundaries, getting creative, and “thinking outside the box.”
    Contact us to learn of ways we can help your company “think outside the box.”

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    Paying too much at the pump?

    What are Best-in-Class companies in your industry doing to share these increases with their customers?

    The increase of fuel prices and the economic instability continue to create pressure for businesses in every industry. Fuel surcharges typically make up 40% of a company’s supply chain and logistics spend.   Therefore it is critical for organizations to know how fuel surcharges are calculated and how the diesel fuel market can impact their freight spend.

    With this knowledge, companies can create metrics to determine when they need to pass some of this cost on to their customers.  Most companies don’t have access to all of this information or don’t know how to analyze their data to create a solution suitable for not only themselves, but their customers as well.

    This is where we come in.  At M33, we have had several requests from our clients, in various industries, to create customizable solutions to help them pass along these increases. There isn’t one generic answer for all.  With our experience and expertise we are sure to find the right solution for your business. Let’s explore your options….

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    Is an in-house TMS right for you?

    In order to gain more control of supply chain operations, an increasing number of mid-cap companies are investigating the benefits of an in-house Transportation Management System (TMS).   An in-house TMS gives executives a sense of consistency in processes, compliance, and technology integration.  However, all of the risks and costs that come along with owning a TMS are not solely realized at the initial time of purchase.

    Purchasing a TMS requires an initial large capital investment, before seeing any benefits. This initial investment is typically used to cover associated licensing fees, employee training, system infrastructure, system maintenance, support, integration of suppliers, carriers, and any other third parties involved.

    As with any technology bolt on solution, ERP upgrades, data warehouse integrity, web portal compatibility, and ease of vendor solution updates must be considered.  However, a key question often overlooked is asking: “What areas of my business will a TMS touch?”.  With so much diversity among transportation suppliers in today’s market, no one solution can remain accurate, timely, and reliable across all silos of your business without continual communication maintenance and point of sale reprogramming.

    Silos within your business typically affected include Customer Service, Accounts Payable, Procurement, Distribution, and Management.  Companies who purchase TMS Packages with the goal of a six month to two year return on investment quickly realize that a support team must be established around the technology in order to advance towards the desired ROI.  If an ROI is ever truly achieved, it is almost always well beyond the target date.

    Many organizations only plan to invest and reconstruct their network once a year. The initial large capital investment leaves the purchaser feeling extremely overwhelmed and burdened by the system that they bought to alleviate their costs and make their business better, faster, and smarter.  Purchasing a system that doesn’t fit into your business could result in continually investing money into a sinking ship.

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    Inbound Logistics

    Manufacturers spend a tremendous amount of time, resources, and energy on the outbound distribution of their products. Strategic initiatives to drive process improvement, risk avoidance, carbon abatement, and cost reduction are all designed to create a more efficient, cost effective, and quality delivery. That makes a lot of sense, after all delivery is the final step in supplying your customer.

    Unfortunately, there are often very few resources invested in the inbound transportation of raw materials creating a large gap in the supply chain. Managing inbound logistics may take a back seat to outbound distribution, but with the right technology and co-management support there can be enormous gains. With the right systems in place, a company can drive vendor compliance of carrier resources and measure results through high-level metrics.

    Utilizing a technology-enabled solution removes the ‘guess work’ and guides your vendors to make the best routing decision for your business. The financial impact can be significant. Additionally, gaining real-time visibility of the inbound flow of raw materials will be a critical component for planning and operations for any manufacturer.

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    Is Logistics a Necessary Evil?

    Logistics is sometimes messy. There are a ton of moving parts affecting many different silos within an organization beyond the inbound and outbound flow of goods. Consider for a moment the people within your company who are responsible for customer service, and how logistics impacts them and your customers. In an environment that lacks automation and visibility of the supply chain, logistics can be over-run with manual processes and an enormous challenge to control, which in turn can negatively impact your customer’s buying experience. If you’re like most companies, you operate in a highly competitive environment. With the right technology and systems, logistics can and should be a competitive edge, not a necessary evil.

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    M33 Continues Business Development Expansion

    M33 Integrated Solutions Adds Third Member to Business Development Team in Two Months

    Greensboro, NC – M33 Integrated Solutions is proud to welcome Andy Sapp to the company. With over seven years of experience in the transportation industry, primarily in consultative sales, Mr. Sapp brings valuable insight to the business development team. Andy will be responsible for developing solutions that drive optimization, reduce costs, open opportunities for collaboration, and increase visibility for companies within the Triad area.

    M33 Integrated Solutions is a global logistics solutions provider with an Operations Center in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. The company is known throughout the industry for its web-based Transportation Management System (TMS), innovative co-management philosophy, and collaborative client network.



    M33 Adds Margaret Hearon to Account Management

    Greenville, SC – Margaret Hearon has joined the account management division at M33 Integrated Solutions, a global logistics solutions provider headquartered in downtown Greenville. Her primary responsibility will be providing support for the Account Managers in the North American Market. She is responsible for handling monthly, weekly and quarterly reports for all domestic accounts, customer service needs, and assisting with the implementation efforts for new accounts. Ms Hearon also administers the claims process on behalf of members of M33’s collaborative client network. Ms. Hearon is a graduate of Clemson University and is a welcome addition to the M33 team.



    Web Application Developer — JavaScript / Grails

    M33 Integrated Solutions
    Greenville, SC

    First, a little about us: we’re a 10-year-old transportation and logistics company headquartered in Greenville, SC. We offer our clients (primarily manufacturers) a ridiculously easy way to move, track, and pay for freight shipments. We do this through a combination of logistics smarts and our internally-developed web application, which is used by both internal and external users.

    We’re looking for a talented software developer to help us grow as we attract increasingly large, sophisticated clients; you’ll design and build new features, integrate with client systems, and resolve defects. However, this position lends itself to someone looking to break out (or stay out) of a mold: assignments are made based on ability, not on job title, so database work, system administration, test automation, and other tasks supplement development work.

    With no patience for bureaucrats and office politics, we opt for casual dress, and are certified cubicle-free so we can maintain a clear focus on delivering value to the business. As a team, we’re informally agile with a bias towards Scrum: frequent releases, a prioritized feature backlog, automated tests, dedicated testers, continuous integration, bug tracking, and frequent demos for business stakeholders.

    Our technology stack includes Groovy and Grails, Clojure, JavaScript, Prototype, jQuery, nginx, Linux, MySQL.

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or another hard science

    • Mastery of JavaScript, jQuery, MooTools, or Prototype, CSS, (X)HTML

    • Solid understanding of MVC, Linux, and Git, Mercurial, or Subversion

    In addition, we’re biased towards candidates who have skill and experience in any of the following:
    • Groovy or Ruby, Rails or Grails, SQL, Lisp, Scala, Clojure, ETL processes

    • Delivering real software products with ongoing accountability to users for accuracy and reliability

    • Functional programming

    • Ping pong (don’t panic — this is the game, not a new programming language!)

    This is an opportunity for full-time employment for U.S. citizens. No contractors please.

    Please send resumes and inquiries to



    Shane Duncan Joins M33 Integrated Solutions as a Business Development Manager

    Greenville, SC – Shane Duncan has been hired as a Business Development Manager for M33 Integrated Solutions, a global logistics solutions provider with an operations center in downtown Greensboro. His primary responsibility will be providing logistics business services to manufacturers and distributors in the North American market. Mr. Duncan has over ten years of experience in the transportation and manufacturing sectors. He has worked throughout his career to provide excellence in the supply chain arena, and is a welcome addition to the M33 team.



    Chris Colley Promoted to Customer Service Manager

    Chris Colley has been promoted to Customer Service Manager. Chris has been with M33 for 4 years as an Logistics Coordinator (LC). Prior to his time at M33 he was with Southeastern Freight Lines where he spent time in sales ,as Customer Service Manager, and began as a peddle driver. His extensive experience makes him a great fit for this newly created position.

    In his new position, Chris will be responsible for managing customer satisfaction across all clients, executing strategies developed by the executive team, and working with M33 teams to insure continuity and processes that inhibit long term relationships with our client base. He will continue to manage his current team but will be relieved of some of the duties by the hire of an additional Assistant LC.



    M33 Adds To Its Carrier Management Team

    M33 Integrated Solutions Hires Al Szawara as Carrier Relations Manager for the Greensboro Area

    Al Szawara has been hired as the Carrier Relations Manager for M33 Integrated Solutions, a global logistics solutions provider with an operations center in downtown Greensboro. His primary responsibility will be building and maintaining relationships within M33’s Carrier Network. Al has over 30 years experience in various roles within the supply chain sector. Al’s experience includes extensive work in the categories of production, procurement, material planning, warehousing, RFI and RFP management. He has worked throughout his career to provide excellence in the supply chain arena and is a welcome addition to the M33 team.



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    M33 Webinar: Preparing for the Upcoming Capacity Crisis

    Industry experts are predicting carrier pricing will rebound this year across both the TL and LTL sectors. Companies that take a proactive approach to this dynamic market will best mitigate the pricing impacts on their supply chain. We held a webinar to educate our clients, prospects and business associates about what industry-leading companies are doing today to better position themselves for the coming crisis. You can watch it here:

    If you have any questions or comments about the issues and recommendations in this presentation, please feel free to contact us.

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    Come Walk With Us!

    M33 has teamed up with the March of Dimes to help publicize and participate in the annual March for Babies in Greenville, SC.

    Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. We're walking because we want to do something about this. The money we raise will support
    March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

    Please join us for the march:
    March for Babies
    Saturday, April 24, 2010

    Walk Distance: 6 miles
    Registration Time: 8:00 AM
    Start Time: 9:00 AM

    If you can't walk with us, please help the team reach our goal by making a donation. You can do that online as well: M33 Integrated Solutions



    Transportation Update: 1st Quarter Review, 2010

    The consensus concerning the trucking industry for the year of 2009 is that it was a dismal year. As manufacturers and the economy struggled, carriers fought to maintain profitability while providing service to their customers.

    The less-than-truckload (LTL) sector ended the year at a collective 107 operating ratio, losing $.07 per dollar. This was a direct result of declining tonnage and diminished revenue yield driven by excess capacity and pricing pressures. There was speculation throughout the entire year that a major player in the LTL market would exit the industry, effectively balancing capacity and demand. That event never took place, and LTL carriers were forced to absorb losses that were historic in some cases. Across the board, we saw carriers reduce employee pay and benefits, initiate layoffs and downsizing, dramatically change their line haul networks, and shrink the size of their turn terminals from fully staffed operations with managers and clerical staff into ‘dark’ or unmanned operations.

    Despite these cost-cutting measures, most companies still ended the year in the red. The competition that ensued was both a positive and a negative for shippers. Through bid processes and negotiations, companies were able to enjoy discounts at historic levels. As a direct result of such discounting, we saw deterioration in levels of service and the number of quality choices available in several lanes. LTL companies require a certain amount of volume to meet high operating costs. Discounting at the levels seen in 2009 caused many of these carriers to handle unprofitable business simply to keep freight volumes at an acceptable level.

    An industry that operates at a loss for a full calendar year cannot sustain itself indefinitely and will correct itself in one of two ways; either freight volumes will rise to meet capacity or capacity will continue to shrink to meet the diminished demand. We expect pricing pressures in the LTL sector to linger throughout the first quarter. However, we see evidence of sporadic increases in demand from a variety of sources, and we know that companies are readjusting their capacity daily to ‘right-size’ their operations. By mid-year of 2010, we expect to see the supply/demand scale tip toward the carrier’s favor, which will lead to incremental pricing increases. Such price increases will likely be widespread across the industry. The speed at which this occurs, and the level of increases requested, will obviously be affected by the economy as a whole and each individual situation. But it would not be surprising to see an overall 5-6% effective increase in LTL pricing for the industry as a whole.

    Truckload (TL) carriers have faced many of the same challenges in 2009. Despite 4000+ trucking company closures in the last seven quarters, we still see over-capacity. As with LTL, reports indicate some growth in demand at the end of last year and early this year, but experts still believe the industry is well over capacity. Large fleets are downsizing to accommodate business levels and smaller companies are feeling the pressure of reduced rates. We expect TL capacity to tighten significantly in some markets as early as this spring, with wider scale rate upticks beginning in the summer months.

    We anticipate that the TL sector in particular will be heavily impacted as new safety requirements come into play. Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 rolls out later this year and will replace the current Safe Stat Scores, which indicate what a carrier’s safety performance has been. Although the impacts of this are still being explored, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration believes there is a focused and determined initiative to raise the bar for companies entering the industry and to enforce safety compliance on a consistent basis for existing firms. The end result of this will hopefully be safer highways for all of us and our families. But it is important to realize that with strict enforcement of these new guidelines, companies will have to purchase new technology and adopt new standards. These new expenses may force some companies out business altogether. The impact of these failures and/or the inability for some companies to enter into the market is not easily measured, but verifiable statistics will probably begin to emerge later this year.

    In summary, we expect pricing to rebound this year across both the LTL and TL sectors. Companies that take a proactive approach to this dynamic market will best mitigate the pricing impacts on their supply chain. Our commitment is to work with our partners in this period of market uncertainty to determine the best solution based on service, price and overall value.

    Jeff Thomas is the Director of Market Economics for M33 Integrated Solutions, a global logistics solutions provider. Jeff is responsible for the successful integration of new customers into the M33 Client Network, overseeing data analysis, procurement of carrier resources through the RFQ process, and carrier contract management. He can be contacted at (877) 369-0343 or via e-mail.

    The commentary above is based solely on the professional opinion of M33 representatives, and is meant to provide M33 clients with the knowledge they need to make more educated decisions.

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